
overview Hello! Friends

A WhatsApp Order Booking Management System is a method for receiving and processing customer orders through the WhatsApp messaging platform. This approach is commonly employed for various purposes, such as item orders, travel bookings, registrations, or appointment scheduling, enabling businesses to manage orders efficiently without the necessity of a dedicated website or mobile app.

Order forms can be generated in different formats, including text-based lists or pre-designed templates. Customers can then complete the required information, choose their desired products or services, and directly submit their orders through the WhatsApp platform. Additionally, an email notification is typically sent to the administrator upon receipt of a user's order.

In general, an order booking management system encompasses software or tools utilized by businesses to streamline the process of receiving and managing customer orders. WhatsApp, as a widely-used messaging platform, has been adopted by some businesses for communication and order booking purposes. These businesses may establish manual or automated procedures for accepting orders via WhatsApp messages and efficiently managing them.

Some Feature Highlights
  • Versatile Order Management
  • Flexible Order Forms
  • User-Friendly Ordering
  • Effortless Order Management
  • Approve & disapprove customer order
  • Quick Form Creation
  • All customer information in admin panel
  • Get bulk order through WhatsApp
  • Professionally Designed Templates
  • Intuitive Usage
  • Admin Notification

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