
Let's learn how to install Gulp and then use it

Gulp is a cross-platform, streaming task runner that lets developers automate many development tasks. At a high level, gulp reads files as streams and pipes the streams to different tasks. These tasks are code-based and use plugins. The tasks modify the files, building source files into production files

1. Install Node

Node js must be installed to use gulp. Click on the given link to download node js

2. Install Gulp.js Globally

After installing node js, you will have to install gulp globally, for this use the command given below

npm install gulp-cli -g
Note : If you are using MacOS please use sudo keyword in the command because they need administrator rights to install Gulp globally. So full command will be sudo npm install gulp-cli -g gulp_install_step2
3. Install NPM modules

First, change the command line path into your project where Binsar-pro folder is located

Once the path of your command line is changed to Folio folder, you may run package.json file by using the following command:

npm install

It might take a couple of minutes depends on your Internet connection. After successful completion of npm install command, you will be able to see node_modules folder that Gulp created (Please refer to attached screenshot for final folders your project will contain). Everything is now installed and ready to go!

gulp_install_step2 gulp_install_step2
4. Running Gulp

Now you're ready to start building new pages. All you have to do is run "gulp" in Terminal. This will track all the sass file changes and start a local webserver.


It might take a couple of minutes depends on your Internet connection. After successful completion of npm install command, you will be able to see node_modules folder that Gulp created (Please refer to attached screenshot for final folders your project will contain). Everything is now installed and ready to go!
