Bskin Bootstrap 5 skin ui kit

Source & Credits

1. We are thankful to Favicon for providing the widest range of favicon icons and with that favicon icons we could create this favicon icons.

2. We are grateful to Google Web Font for providing the widest range of font-family and with this font-family we have been able to add this Inter, sans-serif font-family.

3. We are thankful to Font Awesome for providing the most complete collection of free font icons, through which we have been able to include these Font Awesome icons.

4. We are grateful to freepik, storyset, pngtree for providing the broadest range of royalty-free images and with those images we were able to add this.

5. We are thankful to OwlCarousel that they provided jQuery plugin that lets you create a beautiful, responsive carousel slider.

5. We are thankful to icon8 that they provided the svg so you can have an icon


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