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Streamlining Your Data Management: A Comprehensive Guide to Uploading PHP Files to Server with MySQL Database

PHP File Upload to Server with MySQL Database
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PHP File Upload to Server with MySQL Database

To upload a file from a PHP script to a server and store its details in a MySQL database, you can follow these general steps:

  • Create a HTML form with a file input field that allows users to select the file they want to upload.

  • When the form is submitted, use PHP to handle the file upload. This can be done using the $_FILES superglobal array, which contains information about the uploaded file.

  • Move the uploaded file from the temporary directory to a permanent location on the server. This can be done using the move_uploaded_file() function.

  • Store information about the uploaded file in a MySQL database. This can be done by connecting to the database using PHP’s mysqli extension, and executing a SQL INSERT statement to add a new record to the database table.

File uploads are a common feature of web applications that allow users to upload images, documents, or other files to a server. PHP provides a built-in mechanism for handling file uploads, and MySQL is a popular relational database management system that can be used to store information about uploaded files.

In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps of uploading a file from a PHP script to a server and storing its details in a MySQL database. We’ll assume that you have a basic understanding of HTML, PHP, and MySQL.

Step 1: Create a HTML form

The first step is to create a HTML form that allows users to select the file they want to upload. This form should contain a file input field and a submit button. The file input field allows users to browse their local file system and select a file for upload, and the submit button triggers the form submission.

Here’s an example of what the HTML form might look like:


In this example, the form action is set to “upload.php”, which is the name of the PHP script that will handle the file upload.

Step 2: Handle the file upload with PHP

When the form is submitted, the file upload needs to be handled by a PHP script. This script should check that the file was uploaded successfully, move the file from the temporary directory to a permanent location on the server, and store information about the uploaded file in a MySQL database.

Here’s an example of what the PHP script might look like:

php-scripts2 php-scripts3

In this example, we start by defining the database credentials and creating a connection to the MySQL database. Then, we handle the file upload by checking that the form was submitted and retrieving information about the uploaded file using the $_FILES superglobal.

Next, we check that the file has an allowed extension (in this case, only JPG, JPEG, PNG, and GIF files are allowed). If the file is allowed, we move it from the temporary directory to a permanent location on the server and store information about the uploaded file in the MySQL database using an SQL INSERT statement.

Step 3: Create a database table

Before the PHP script can store information about uploaded files in the MySQL database, you need to create a table to hold this information. The table should have columns for the file name, size, type, and path.

Here’s an example of what the SQL query to create this table might look like:


In this example, we create a table called “files” with columns for the file name, size, type, and path. The id column is an auto-incrementing primary key that is automatically assigned a unique value for each row

Step 4: Test the file upload

Now that the HTML form, PHP script, and MySQL table are in place, you can test the file upload by selecting a file to upload and submitting the form. If everything is working correctly, you should see a message indicating that the file was uploaded successfully.

After the file is uploaded, you can verify that its details were stored in the MySQL database by running a SELECT statement on the “files” table:

SELECT * FROM files;

This should return a list of all the files that have been uploaded, along with their details.


In this tutorial, we showed you how to upload files from a PHP script to a server and store their details in a MySQL database. By following these steps, you should be able to implement a file upload feature in your own web application.

Note that this is just a basic example, and there are many additional features and considerations that you may need to take into account depending on the specific requirements of your application. For example, you may need to limit the size of uploaded files, sanitize user input to prevent SQL injection attacks, or implement file validation to ensure that uploaded files meet certain criteria (such as a minimum resolution or aspect ratio for images).

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