Search Engine Optimization

Maximizing Website Optimization: The Indispensable SEO Toolset for Digital Success

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My Essential Top 11 SEO Tools That I Rely On and Couldn’t Work Without

This tool do the extreme automation of SEO tasks, by significantly lessening the time needed for most common and tedious outputs. and improving search exposure. Their extensive features, which allow me to monitor backlinks, conduct keyword research, analyse rivals, and fine-tune on-page and technical SEO factors, making them invaluable for my everyday SEO work. They also help me create thorough reports and strategy, which helps me keep ahead in the always changing field.

Google Apps Script is a scripting platform developed by Google that allows users to extend the functionality of various Google products, including Google Sheets, Google Docs, Gmail, and more. It provides a way to automate tasks, create custom functions, build add-ons, and interact with Google services using JavaScript.

Automating tasks

With Google Apps Script, you can automate repetitive tasks in Google Sheets, such as data entry, formatting, and data manipulation. For example, you can create a script to automatically import data from an external source, perform calculations, and generate reports.

Custom functions

Google Apps Script allows you to create custom functions in Google Sheets, similar to formulas, but with the flexibility of JavaScript. This enables you to extend the built-in functions and perform complex calculations or access external APIs to retrieve data.

Building add-ons

You can develop add-ons for Google Docs, Sheets, and other Google products using Google Apps Script. Add-ons enhance the functionality of these applications by adding custom menus, sidebars, and dialogs. They can be used to integrate with external services, perform advanced document processing, or streamline specific workflows.

Integrating with Google services

Google Apps Script provides APIs and services to interact with various Google services, such as Gmail, Calendar, Drive, and Analytics. You can automate tasks like sending emails, scheduling events, managing files, and fetching analytics data programmatically.

Web app development

Using Google Apps Script, you can build lightweight web applications that can be deployed as standalone web apps or embedded in Google Sites. These web apps can interact with Google services, access external APIs, and provide customized interfaces for specific purposes.

Collaboration and workflow automation

Google Apps Script enables collaboration and workflow automation within Google Workspace (formerly G Suite). You can create scripts to automate approval processes, create custom forms, generate documents based on templates, and more.

To get started with Google Apps Script, you can access the script editor from within the Google product you want to work with (e.g., Google Sheets) and write your code using JavaScript syntax. The Apps Script documentation provides comprehensive guides, tutorials, and reference materials to help you explore and utilize the platform’s capabilities.

seo tools

Website verification

Before accessing the data and features within Search Console, you need to verify ownership of the website. Verification can be done through various methods, such as adding an HTML tag to your website’s code, uploading an HTML file, or verifying through Google Analytics.

Performance data

Search Console provides insights into how your website performs in Google Search results. You can view metrics such as impressions, clicks, click-through rates (CTR), and average position for specific keywords or pages. This data helps you understand the visibility and performance of your website in organic search.

Indexing status

Search Console allows you to see which pages of your website have been indexed by Google and which ones might have issues preventing proper indexing. You can submit sitemaps to help Google discover and crawl your website more effectively.

URL inspection tool

?This tool enables you to check the indexing status and live representation of specific URLs on your website. It provides information about whether a page is indexed, if there are any crawling or rendering issues, and how the page appears in search results.

Mobile usability

Google Search Console provides insights into the mobile-friendliness of your website. It identifies mobile-specific issues that could impact user experience and rankings, such as mobile viewport configuration, content accessibility, and touch elements.

Coverage and crawl errors

Search Console highlights any crawl errors encountered by Google when indexing your website. It helps you identify issues such as broken links, server errors, and other factors that might prevent proper indexing of your site’s pages.

Search analytics

This feature provides detailed data on the search queries that lead users to your website. It includes information on impressions, clicks, CTR, and average position for specific keywords. It helps you understand how users are finding your site and the effectiveness of your search engine optimization (SEO) efforts.

Manual actions

If your website violates Google’s quality guidelines, you may receive a manual action notification in Search Console. This alert informs you of any penalties imposed on your site and provides instructions on how to resolve the issue and request a reconsideration.

Google Search Console is a valuable tool for website owners and SEO professionals to monitor and optimize their website’s presence in Google Search. It provides actionable insights, helps identify issues, and improves the overall performance and visibility of your website in organic search results.


Screaming Frog is an exceptional crawling tool that offers powerful APIs and extensive crawling configuration options. Investing £149 in this tool can be one of the best decisions you make for your crawling needs each year.

With its comprehensive features, Screaming Frog allows you to crawl websites efficiently and extract valuable data for analysis and optimization. The tool’s APIs provide seamless integration with other applications and systems, enabling you to automate tasks and streamline workflows.

Screaming Frog’s crawling configuration options give you fine-grained control over how the tool explores and analyzes websites. You can customize the crawling behavior, set up rules for handling specific pages or sections, and extract specific data points relevant to your goals.

By utilizing Screaming Frog, you can uncover critical insights about your website’s structure, identify technical issues that may affect search engine optimization (SEO), and gain a deeper understanding of your site’s overall health. The tool’s crawling capabilities help you identify broken links, analyze page titles and meta descriptions, review header tags, and much more.

Furthermore, Screaming Frog’s ability to integrate with APIs expands its functionality and potential use cases. You can leverage its APIs to automate data retrieval, incorporate data into your reporting systems, or feed it into other SEO tools for in-depth analysis and monitoring.

Whether you are an SEO professional, a digital marketer, or a website owner, the investment in Screaming Frog can yield substantial returns. Its extensive crawling capabilities, customizable configuration options, and API integrations make it a go-to tool for comprehensive website analysis and optimization.

Considering the significant value it brings to your crawling endeavors, the £149 investment in Screaming Frog can prove to be an excellent and worthwhile expenditure year after year.


With code-free machine learning solutions, you can effortlessly scale and predict various SEO tasks without requiring any knowledge of coding languages like Python.

These user-friendly machine learning platforms empower SEO professionals and marketers to harness the power of advanced algorithms without the need for programming expertise. Instead of writing complex code, you can utilize intuitive interfaces and drag-and-drop functionalities to train models, analyze data, and make predictions.

By leveraging code-free machine learning, you can accomplish a range of SEO tasks more efficiently and effectively. Here are a few examples:

Google Tag Manager (GTM)

Google Tag Manager (GTM) plays a fundamental role in enabling enhanced tracking capabilities, such as determining whether a blog page contributes to an actual sale or merely a session.

As a powerful tag management system, GTM allows you to manage and deploy various tracking tags and pixels on your website without the need for manual code implementation. It simplifies the process of adding, updating, and managing tracking codes, ensuring accurate data collection and analysis.

By leveraging GTM, you can implement advanced tracking scenarios that provide deeper insights into user behavior and conversion attribution. Here’s how GTM facilitates enhanced tracking:

SEO Minion

SEO Minion is an exceptional browser extension that offers an incredible range of features, allowing you to scrape valuable data like People Also Ask (PAA) sections, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), local listings, and more. This free extension serves as a valuable resource for generating numerous content ideas.

With SEO Minion, you can effortlessly extract PAA and FAQ sections from search engine result pages (SERPs), providing you with insights into the questions and topics that users are actively searching for. This data serves as a rich source of inspiration for creating relevant and engaging content that addresses users’ queries.


An extension that allows for instant evaluation of a website’s Content Management System (CMS), hosting provider, and various other elements.

BuiltWith is a browser extension that allows for immediate identification and analysis of a website’s Content Management System (CMS), hosting provider, and a variety of other technical aspects.

Quick JavaScript Switcher

Quick JavaScript Switcher is a browser extension that allows for immediate enabling or disabling of JavaScript on a webpage. It’s particularly useful for web development and debugging, or to enhance browsing security and performance.

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