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Improve Lead Quality and Conversion Rates with OTP-Verified Forms: A Step-by-Step Guide

Build a OTP Verified Form to get Valid Lead
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Build a OTP Verified Form to get Valid Lead

Building an OTP (One-Time Password) verified form to gather valid leads in PHP is a great way to ensure the authenticity of your leads and protect your website from bots and fake submissions. In this blog post, we will walk through the process of building an OTP verified form using PHP, including the necessary steps and code snippets.

First, we need to create a form that will be used to gather the user’s information. This form can include fields such as name, email, phone number, and any other information that you need to collect from your leads. The form should also include a field for the user to enter the OTP that will be sent to their phone or email.


Next, we need to set up a way for the user to receive the OTP. This can be done by sending an SMS message to their phone number or an email to their email address. The code for sending an SMS message using PHP can be found in the PHP manual, and there are also many libraries available for sending emails in PHP, such as PHPMailer.

Once the user receives the OTP, they will enter it into the form and submit it. At this point, we need to validate the OTP to ensure that it is correct. This can be done by comparing the OTP entered by the user to the OTP that was sent to them. If the OTP is correct, the form can be submitted and the lead can be considered valid.

Finally, we can store the lead’s information in a database or CRM system. This will allow us to keep track of our leads and contact them in the future.

Here is an example of what the PHP code for our OTP verified form might look like:

In the above example, the form is submitted and the OTP entered by the user is compared to the OTP that was sent to them. If the OTP is correct, the lead’s information is inserted into the database and the user is redirected to a thank you page. If the OTP is incorrect, an error message is displayed.

It is important to note that this is just a basic example and there are many ways to improve the security and functionality of an OTP verified form. For example, you can use a secure hashing algorithm to store the OTP and use a session to keep track of the OTP that was sent to the user. Additionally, it is important to validate the user’s input to ensure that the form is being filled out correctly and to prevent any potential security vulnerabilities.

In conclusion, using an OTP verified form is a great way to ensure the authenticity of your leads and protect your website from bots and fake submissions. By following the steps outlined in this blog post and using the provided code snippets, you can easily build an OTP verified form in PHP to gather valid leads for your business.

Once the lead’s information is inserted into the database, you can display it in a table for easy viewing and management.

Here is an example of how you can display the leads in a table using PHP and MySQL:


In the above code, we are using a MySQL SELECT statement to retrieve all the rows from the “leads” table. We then use a while loop to iterate through the results and display each lead’s name, email, and phone number in a table row. The table headers are set up for better readability of data.

You can also add extra functionality to the table such as pagination, search, sort, and edit or delete buttons. You also can export the data as a CSV or excel file for further analysis and use.

This is just one example of how you can display leads in a table using PHP and MySQL, and there are many other ways to customize and improve the functionality of the table. By displaying the leads in a table, you can easily view and manage your leads and use the information to improve your business.

Here is the Perfect example of OTP Verified Form and it fully Secure And wel-decorated Code.Link below
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