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Easy And Secure Login form Create and Bootstrap use for Static Form

How to Create Dynamic Login Form With The Help of PHP?
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Here is a basic outline of how you can create a dynamic login form using PHP:

First You can download Bootstrap File or add Bootstrap cdn in your code

Then go to Bootstrap and Copy Form (Many Form So Select One)

  • Create a form in HTML that includes a username field and a password field.
  • Create a PHP script that will receive the form submission and check the entered credentials against a database.
  • Connect to your database and select the table that contains the username and password information.
  • Connect to your database and select the table that contains the username and password information.
  • Construct a SELECT query to fetch the user’s data from the database based on the entered username.
  • Execute the SELECT query and store the results in a variable.
  • If the SELECT query returns no results, the entered username does not exist in the database. In this case, you can redirect the user back to the login form and display an error message.
  • If the SELECT query returns a result, check if the entered password matches the password stored in the database. If the passwords match, log the user in and redirect them to a protected page. If the passwords do not match, redirect the user back to the login form and display an error message.
  • I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

One More Example

Create a form in HTML that allows users to enter their username and password.


Dynamic Code

Create a PHP script called “login.php” to process the form data. This script will check the entered username and password against a list of valid credentials stored in a database or in a configuration file.


If User is logged in, show the home page

Create a PHP script called “home.php” to display the user’s home page. This script should check if the user is logged in by checking for the presence of the $_SESSION[‘username’] variable. If the user is not logged in, they should be redirected to the login page.


More information about php Click here

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

Dynamic Web pagePHPBootstrap formLogin form MySQL
Import CSV to Mysql using PHP File Read